Sunday, June 10, 2012


With the birth of another grandchild this past week, we've been thinking about the people back home a lot.  And because it's Jeff's birthday today and Niki's tomorrow and Melanie's a few days ago and Stan's a few weeks ago and Emily's in a couple of weeks and . . .

Here are some pictures of those we love and miss and who have the power to make us very homesick. (This very abbreviated list is just our kids and grandkids--there are a lot more people we love and miss but don't have pictures of all of them). Some of these pictures may look a little familiar. We'll admit it--most of these pictures were plagiarized right off their blogs. That's the best way for us to get current pictures.

Brad (and two of his daughters)



Emily (and Jacob and Elizabeth)


Heather (chasing Ella)

Heidi (and daddy)

Jeff (Happy Birthday!)


Melanie (and Ryan)


Nicole (happy birthday tomorrow!)

Rebecca (and Jeff)
[Keep scrolling down for more--there's something wonky going on and I can't change it

Stan (and Ryan)

See why we miss them? They're great!
Oh, and if you've read this far, you deserve to know what the title of this week's blog means. It's a good description of Elizabeth: Cute!

This week in Russia:
We are very excited about our sacrament meeting attendance today: 38!

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